Monday, March 25, 2013

Drinking Absinthe and lissening to AFI (Let It Be Broke) ...
This changes all that I thought before. I've drank poison, and accepted it's advice. Oh, I guess it's MONDAY and the people that are not independently wealthy are actually working. So, I woke up in a hood, and the first rock was thrown.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The sound of your derailleurs clicking thru gears is the sound of you clicking thru yr social cliques...trying to find your home, even though you are forever homeless. Having fun in the sun is your modus operandi, but you are hopelessly outmoded. Have some brains: sun=cancer.
Oh, I forgot that I am surrounded by a thousand finger-fucking forgets (that's my new code for queers) that need to endlessly and relentlessly posit their every fucking queef for all to see. HEY!! Can I reiterate?! WE DON'T WANT TO SEE pics of your children/dogs/dinner/breakfast..or that amazing view you gained after climbing for two hours. CALM DOWN. You are too fucking positive. Sharing is NOT caring. Bicycle people are the worst. As I lay in bed, immobilized by LIFE/depression/ newsfeed is being cumshotted and inundated by a hundred quasi-happy velocipedeans that racked up a thousand miles on their bike comps, and feel the need to share every pedal rev...with us...
Ok, ok...shout your accomplishments from Facebooks' rooftop...but some of us have to turn away, and let those cum-blasts hit the wall...
But, that being said, I love my bikey peeps and the miles they put towards obsolescence.