Friday, June 18, 2010

Buzzes from a bar-fly

Yours truly in Times Square, NYC, 2 weeks ago. One of the more hectic places on our planet, and daylight bright even at midnight. So I'm back in the saddle at Benders; 24 hrs worked in 2 days, and it feels great. I've been sleeping much better lately, and ruminating on how much time, energy and money I was wasting doing the bar-hang thing. You pretty much wind up sitting around talking about the same old stuff, enabling/commiserating and frittering away hour after hour. Don't get me wrong, hanging at yr local bar, or any bar for that matter, can be a wonderful past-time. There are friends, music, laughter, conversation and a sense of family, of community. But I think too often it becomes a rut that is dug deeper as time goes on, and a way to avoid facing being productive or dealing with your current situation. Life requires so much energy and focus to keep things running smoothly! Alright, I'm off to Benders to put in some work on the day off.

Monday, June 14, 2010

First blargh!!

Here's my first foray into blogdom. I'll be doing my best to keep this blog up-to-date, so all can get a peek at what I'm currently up to.
Just got back from a 2 week trip to NYC/New Jersey. Brought my partner, M, with me. We had a great time; I saw more of the City in a week than I'd seen in my 4 years living there!
It was hot, humid and absolutely gorgeous. Museums, street life, great food, awesome hotels.
M left for SF after the first week; I then headed to the folks' house in Jersey. I slept like a rock, ate like a pig, watched movies, spent quality time w/the parents, took long walks (I think best when walking) and bookwormed out!
I really needed this vacation: recharge the batteries; take a step back from Life for a bit.
In other news, I haven't drank booze in a month. It's difficult to change ingrained habits, but the rewards are worth it. Who knows how long this will last, but it feels good to give my body a break for now. Life w/o hangovers is a wonderful thing!