Sunday, July 11, 2010

Another great weekend

There's some old-school "Kevin partying" pics. Ha! "Hangovers Installed & Serviced" as the sign over the bar at Zeitgeist says.
Had a fun Saturday w/the gal: a 4-hour bike tour led by Chris Carlsson that focused on the little-known side of San Francisco labor history. We saw the oldest industrial building west of the Mississippi, visited Maritime Hall (where I used to go to shows back in the day) was nice to see parts of town I haven't seen in a while, some I'd never seen before, all the while absorbing anecdotes and unhealthy amounts of sun whilst biking in a group environment.
Then the B.A. and I headed to Whole Foods and bought a bunch of foodstuffs for dinner. The awesomeness that is MK then sauteed some kale and other greens w/garlic and lemon, and made some of the best veggie chili I've ever had. Then some bouncing between TV shows while the crackheads outside clucked, swore and threw bottles.
Today I bought some jeans at the Goodwill and turned them into shorts, puttered online while chowing on cherry tomatoes, blueberries and a plum bought at the Civic Center Farmers Market (supplemented by my usual 2+ cups of coffee). Off to Benders tonight for my mellow Sunday, then the fellas and I are meeting up tomorrow to clean/organize for a bit, followed by another ass-dragging Monday at Zeitgeist. Cheers, all!

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