Friday, November 23, 2012

@ the BaconBacon grease fire debacle: 
Kevin DeMattia What if the owners were trapped inside, and burned alive, and a horde of wild hogs came across the charred carnage and ate to their hearts' content. How IRONIC! Just kidding, calm down ya bacon lovahs...


  1. Ah man...been thinkin' again. (like that's a bad thing?!) Ok, shut up you fukkin' haters. Save your venom for the opposing ball-handlers in tights. Wrote a great line tonight: "Forfeit tomorrow for the beauty of tonight." Read into that you will: Meaning: yeah, I'm drinking a fuck ton, but will face tomorrow with the same ardor that I faced yesterday.
    Meaning: yeah; I'm on my fifth rail of cocaine, but I will survive this, and will wake up (or come out of it) and have to have the sunlight shout it's unwelcome happiness in my face. Meaning being ALIVE and shouting via keyboard against all you hold banal. OK: insert WEIRD Kevin non-filter paragraph here: I hate Sports and the bars that cuckold them...I hate seeing 45 humans jerking in unison, while staring at a flat-screen, and ignoring their others...worrying about stats. And if they ONLY KNEW that THEY were the ones that were getting shat out of the end zone. Ok, so I have a limited time to talk shit to you...but talk shit I will...

  2. Oh great... Another post I'll regret. I'll wake up and frantically (frantically; I'm tellin' ya!) delete this post, worried that my lame friends will hate me for speaking *my* truth.
    And as you all walk in the sunshine, on the sidewalks...the gum that you walk over has tasted the tongue of one who has spat on a sidewalk. Planes are silently scribing white lines across those blue skies. And the crackhead is jittering and frittering, and looking for that rock that will deliver him/her to the place that makes one feel ensconced in the womb. And the oceans are dark and deep, the sky flows forward and far upward that it continues ad infinitum. And do our deceased friends and family look *down* upon us, and judge us for our frailties...or are they too busy arguing with the Gods about whose soul needs saving...Or do they look at us skittering around like the cockroaches we are and laugh, and laugh! I'm just thinking of the guy that was at Ground Zero. I mean the guy that was hangin' out at the Marathon. One sec yr hangin', waiting for yr friend to CROSS THE LINE. Then BOOM!! And dude is like, "I'm cool. Whateves. Then it's like: Holy Fucking shit, like: "DUDE, WHERE'S MY LEG"?! That f'in' suxx!
    Have fun today. Go drink in the park you.......
